Interior Multi-Storey Complex work

Project Details

Project Description

Creating a well-designed interior space involves a series of meticulous steps that blend functionality, aesthetics, and user experience. Firstly, the project begins with thorough research and understanding of the client’s needs, preferences, and the purpose of the space.

Next, an initial concept is formulated, integrating elements such as layout, color schemes, and materials. Once the concept is approved, detailed floor plans, elevations, and 3D models are drafted, outlining the spatial arrangement and design features. The selection of furniture, fixtures, and lighting follows, with a keen eye on harmonizing style and purpose.

Subsequently, the procurement of materials takes place, considering quality and sustainability. As the construction phase commences, regular site visits and coordination with contractors ensure smooth execution. Finally, the finishing touches of decor, art, and accessories complete the interior design, resulting in a thoughtfully curated space that reflects the client’s vision and elevates the overall ambiance.

Client details


Eshley Dube


Interior Design

Starts on:

20 May 2018

Ends on

30 May 2021




Veronica Chipwanya

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3d imaging

Project Details

Project Description

The process of 3D imaging in architecture involves a series of steps to create realistic and visually captivating representations of architectural designs.

First and foremost, the architect or 3D artist collects all relevant data, including architectural drawings, floor plans, and elevations. Using specialized software, they create a digital 3D model of the building, accurately capturing its dimensions and spatial layout. Once the basic structure is established, textures, materials, and lighting are meticulously applied to the model, bringing it to life with realistic details.

The next step involves fine-tuning the camera angles and perspectives to showcase the project’s key features effectively. Afterward, the rendering process begins, utilizing powerful computers to convert the 3D model into high-quality images or even immersive videos. These rendered images allow clients and stakeholders to visualize the project with exceptional clarity, aiding in decision-making and design refinement.

Through this comprehensive 3D imaging process, architects can effectively communicate their vision and present their architectural creations with stunning visual realism.

Client details


Johan Ghilcrist


3D imaging

Starts on:

1 May 2022

Ends on

20 May 2023




Veronica Chipwanya

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